Last(ing) scars and textures: Illustrations by Alia Sinha
The essays in ‘Last(ing)’ each used a bricolage of mediums and textures to meet their ideas. This is also reflected in the diversity of elements in the unique illustrations by artist Alia Sinha that accompany each essay. Using shimmers of gold and black in all their variation, using elements and imagery that flows into abstraction, Alia’s work responds intuitively to each essay. These illustrations that are hand-drawn on an I-pad screen, maintain the artist’s embodied process. Blurred dots, roughly wonky concentric circles, asymmetrical crosses, hark back to the flow of a human hand and a breathing body that held the digital pen. In the process of flowing with the intuitive association for each illustration, Alia noted to me, she had to consciously decide a moment to stop ‘doing’ and look at the image as ‘done’.
We invite you to click on each illustration to have a closer look at the scores, scars, textures in them.